The Battle Opens. . . I bring fell news from the city of Honor. The defenses of the walled city were sorely tested this eve as Juo'nar once again renewed his assault. . . I had spent the night in Trinsic on my way to meditate at the Shrine of Honor to the South. Little did I know that I would awake this morning to the unmistakable, disgusting sound of clattering and grinding undead bones. A legion of skeletal knights had begun yet another assault on the fair city of Trinsic. I hastened from my bed roll and drew my sword. . . a silver katana of exceptional power. Quickly the alarm was raised and Virtuous warriors flooded the streets, driving the fell undead back. The area surrounding the bank in hand, I decided to inspect the interior of the city. What I discovered did not bode well for the town. Obviously, the walls had been breached at some point or some foul magic had succeeded in teleporting the enemy within our midst. . . for legions of skeletal mages, knights, and liches now swarmed in marauding bands throughout the city. Spotting a large band of the fiends, I attempted to gather a band of warriors to liberate the center of town. Together with such brave warriors as Wizrolf, Loren Soth, Cylex, and Chavrain, we fought from bridge to bridge, gradually reclaiming the city for Virtue. The center of town in hand, I decided to offer my eager help to those who would hold the southern (lesser) gate against the evil from without. As I traveled to the south, I came upon one named Farimir who had obviously fallen in honorable combat with the evil that threatened us. Just as he was recovering his belongings (having been revived by a healer), another wave of fiends came clamoring up the road from the South gate. I and two companions attempted to form a line of battle and protect Farimir as he attempted to recover from his journey in the netherworld. We were barely successful as Farimir eventually joined the battle which ended in victory. Our other companions having departed, Farimir and I decided to reclaim the Southern gate. A long battle ensued but we managed to force the forces of darkness through the gate and out onto the beach to the south. Making our way around the wall, we fought our way across the open fields and the mesas to the West of Trinsic. At that point, in the clamor of battle, I lost track of Farimir and I am sorry to say that I did not see him again in death or life that eve. However, as I crossed the bridges leading north towards the main gate, expecting to see evidence of our expected victory, I was met by a haggard and war-worn woman named Crystal who brought terrible news of our losses at the main gate. Jabbing my heals into mine horses sides, I lept at once to full gallop as I determined to give all I could to help turn the tide, however meager my powers of combat. . . I arrived to find total carnage. The gate had been forced. Liches, all types of skeletons, and mummies roamed the streets of the once fair city, slaying at will. A valiant band of warriors could be seen making a stand at the main intersection down the street from the gate. Gradually, the valor of this band began to tell on the forces of evil as they gradually began to be forced back through the gate and out into the wilderness. ![]() A running battle then began through the forests outside the city. We would pursue the undead legions through the woods, only to find that they harbored reinforcements among the trees. Forced back to the walls of the city, we would regroup and essay to assault them once more. To and fro the battle would teeter until once again the gates of the city fell. Driven mad with the apparent loss of this jewel among cities, I fear I grew fey. Without real comprehension of mine actions, I lunged at the nearest lich. . . slaying him with three blows from my sword. Two skeletons fell likewise in short order. . . but I had grown careless. Having not inspected mine own bearing for some time, I was shocked to find mine armor in tatters and my blood flowing freely from several wounds. It was then that I looked up and saw my imminent death. Being the only one in the center of a sea of foes, I felt their dim, cold stare fall on me alone. I remember nothing more for a while. . . my memory grows hazy at this point. Wandering. . . despair, the gentle touch of a healer. . . then a mad dash to find my precious sword. It is a testament to the honor of the city that my sword and all my belongings still lay where I fell. The honorable warriors of the city knew that the battle at hand left no room for skulkers and those who would prey upon the misfortune of others. I witnessed very little dishonorable conduct over the entire course of the battle. Though I must grieve that mine fine steed, Valor, lay dead nearby. Knowing that I needed to re-equip and obtain more reagants, I fought my way through the gate and back out to the wilderness. The undead army had now been joined by ratmen and lizardmen. Though the latter army was quickly dispatched and the defenders of the city were now making very good headway against the undead army as well. Seeing that things appeared to be well in hand, I ran off at once into the woods to the Hall of Virtue, where my order, the Disicples of the Avatar, make our home near the hedge maze. There I mounted a new steed, named "Honor", gathered some reagants, potions, and other supplies and hastened back to the battle. ![]() Upon returning, I saw that things had deteriorated horribly. There was no semblance of a defense at the gates. Indeed, the bodies of several noble warriors littered the ground. I made my way to the first intersection of the town where once again the forces of evil had stalled in their assault. Quickly, I assaulted the rear of the enemy together with a few other noble stragglers. Hope again seemed to bloom as the numbers of the enemy steadily dwindled. However, victory was not to be ours at this hour. . . It was then that we were all overcome by a sense of dread. Through the haze and mist of battle, a dark form took shape. The most brave and virtuous drew back from it and I am ashamed to admit that I was among these. . . Juo'nar had arrived. His visage was terrible to behold. He emanated power and an ancient evil. As we all wondered whether Truth, Love, and Courage had wholly forsaken us, Juo'nar spoke, saying simply: "Leave Trinsic". His voice held such strange power that all around seemed to be tempted to do just that, admitting defeat and saving ourselves from what now appeared to be imminent death. But, at that very moment, a warrior unknown to me, whom I later learned was called Damien Vryce, stepped forward. In the face of this unspeakable evil he exclaimed: "That ye may destroy this city of Honor!? Never!" At that, he charged headlong into battle. Galvanized into action, the spell of uncertainty and inaction broken, many followed him. Juo'nar, though staggered by the blows, seemed to be suffering very little injury from the many swords and spells that now assailed him. It was then that I felt a sense of calm come over me as I realized that the Virtues would not forsake us in this hour. Once again drawing my sword, I stood erect as that gaze of unspeakable evil fell upon me, ignoring the blows and castings of its assailants. "Juo'nar. Thou standeth before a Disciple of the Avatar. Begone in His name!" ![]() With those words I too dove into the melee. Juo'nar was staggered several times and our blows finally began to tell on him. Finally, he retreated along with his army. Celebrations broke out as the last of the invaders were swept aside. However, just as a calm began to settle over the town, the bells of alarm again began to sound at the main gate. We had not in fact seen the end of the battle. . . The contest outside the gates became more fierce then than it had ever been before. In ever increasing numbers the army of darkness assailed the walls. The gate was lost, retaken, and lost again several times over. Juo'nar would give battle ever and anon, but always fleeing should his pitiful semblance of true life ever be in any type of jeopardy. At one time I felt his full power as with just one casting I was reduced to no more than a semblance of my former strength. At that point, a mongbat could have snuffed out what life was left within me. Fortunately, the Virtues protected me and I was able to retreat for a brief period and tend to my grievous injuries. For almost four hours the battle raged. Finally, when even the bravest and stoutest of us had been sent to the healers several times, when even those whom I had fought alongside all this long eve began to talk of retreat and the safety of Britain, when all hope seemed lost. . . we saw that the last of the evil army approached and the Virtues smiled upon us. . . for though their numbers were vast beyond our reckoning, this last reserve of the enemy was nothing but skeletons, neither knights nor magi. With hope renewed and victory in sight, we brandished our swords once more and clove a path through their ranks, eventually hewing the last of them only minutes after this last sortie began. ![]() And so, through the valor of its defenders, and the particular gallantry of some, the city of Trinsic still stands. . . though I fear for its future. If these assaults continue unabated, I know not how this most Virtuous of cities can be expected to endure. I for one am happy that I was able to contribute my small amount to the struggle this night. But I fear that no amount of valor or honor will preserve this city if the cause of these assaults is not routed out and destroyed. |